My team and I created a Chatbot that will respond to user's ITS related requests in conversational language. We placed 2nd place at the Hawaiian Annual Code Challenge for Coded solutions.
Artificial Intelligence Web Development Natural Language Processing
Read MoreMy team created virtual reality field trips on different conversation sites in Oahu.
Environment Virtual Reality
Read More11 Dec 2023
When it comes to software engineering, the first thing that often comes to mind is web development—designing websites for companies or personal reasons. However, software engineering encompasses much more than just web development. Through ICS 314, I learned that it...
Software Engineering Learning Reflection
29 Nov 2023
Introducing Design Patterns… If you are an owner of a bakery that is known for its delicious desserts, consistency in taste and providing exceptional service to customers are crucial goals. In order to make your bakery the best in town,...
Design Patterns Software Engineering Reflection
20 Nov 2023
I. Introduction: This year was a big step for AI tools to play a prevalent role in the learning process, particularly in Software Engineering. In ICS 314, I found AI tools to be exceptionally helpful in learning about a coding...
Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Education
20 Sep 2023
If your code works, then what is the point of ensuring that you have the right amount of spaces and indents in your code in the first place? When I first started coding, I did not realize the importance of...
Coding Standards ESLint IntelliJ
05 Sep 2023
I have always been told by previous professors that there is no such thing as a “stupid” question, however, Eric Raymond thinks otherwise in his article, “How to ask questions the smart way.” Stack Overflow has become one of the...
Stack Overflow Computer Science Smart Questions