Honolulu, Hawaii USA
Software Engineering , Computer Science , Environmental Science , Video Games , Art
Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Meteor, React.js
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
B.S., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2025)
2021 - Present
Student Circulation, UH Manoa Hawaiian and Public Library
Circulate rare Hawaiian and Pacific materials at Hamilton Library
2023 - Present
Hawai’i Youth Sustainability Challenge, KUPU and Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation
Created virtual reality field trips to spread environmental awareness within Oahu.
Environmental Restoration, Malama Learning Center
Nānākuli muliwai (estuary) and Piliokahe Beach Park Restoration
2019 - Present
Hawaii Annual Code Challenge 2023, 2nd Place Coded Solution, The State of Hawaii Office of Enterprise Technology Services
Created a ChatBot using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to answer user's ITS related requests. This solution was meant to improve the current ITS AskUs keyword search and reduce Help Desk calls.
University of Hawaii at Mānoa Dean’s List, University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen and continuing students who complete a rigorous high school curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 at a Hawai'i public school.
Fred and Annie Chan Scholarship Fund for Information and Computer Sciences, University of Hawaii at Mānoa - College of Natural Sciences
Awarded to an undergraduate student who expresses a great interest in pursuing a career related to computer software engineering and technology.
Postl Scholarship Fund for the College of Natural Sciences-University of Hawaii at Mānoa, University of Hawaii at Mānoa - College of Natural Sciences
This scholarship is given to a student who displays great academic accomplishments in their undergraduate career.
Available upon request